WP Total Care

No worries – your site is always
up to date, safe & secure

Relax, I've Got Your Back.

You can forget about maintaining your website – that’s my job.

You don’t need to stress about updates or spammers or hackers.
Your site is protected by frequent updates and malware scans.
Your content is secured by regular backups and stored safely off-site.

If something goes wrong, your site can be fully restored. 

It’s like insurance, only better.

WordPress Total Care

Choose the plan that makes sense for you*, and never worry about it again.


Sign up for a new WP Total Care Standard annual subscription and get a WP Edits & Upgrades package that you can use any time throughout your year ~ a $600 value.

Annual Pricing
Monthly Pricing


Annual Subscription
$ 599 NO Setup Fee
  • Everything you need to keep your small business site healthy and secure.
  • Monthly WordPress Core Updates
  • Monthly Theme & Plugin Updates
  • Weekly Full Site Backups
  • Weekly Database Backups
  • Weekly Malware Scans
  • Secure Off-site Storage
SAVE $168

Pro Plus

Annual Subscription
$ 1599 NO Setup Fee
  • When you publish more content and get more visitors, you need more protection.
  • Weekly WordPress Core Updates
  • Weekly Theme & Plugin Updates
  • Daily Full Site Backups
  • Daily Database Backups
  • Daily Malware Scans
  • Secure Off-site Storage
  • Maintenance / Activity Reports
  • SEO / Google Analytics Reports
Save $468

*Please note:  My WP Total Care service isn’t for everybody.  I keep the price down by only accepting sites that are reasonably well-built and well-hosted.  To me, that means a solid theme and a minimal set of plugins, on a decent hosting account (with standard cPanel access). If I built your site, you’re good to go – I’m happy to maintain it for you.  If I didn’t build your site, I’m happy to take a look at it and let you know.

Over the years I’ve worked with many different theme platforms & plugins & visual page builders & hosts.   There are plenty of good ones out there to choose from.  I have my favorites, but I’m not a snob about it ~ I know my way isn’t the only way.  My only firm rule is that I won’t have anything to do with GoDaddy (other than to help migrate sites away from their alleged hosting).   

If you have any questions about whether WP Total Care is for you, please get in touch and let’s take a look at what you have & what you need.  At the very least you’ll get an informed evaluation of your site, with no strings attached.

WP Edits & Upgrades

You probably have more productive things to do than fooling around with WordPress DIY.

7 Reasons Why Regular Website Updates Are Non-Negotiable

  • Climb the SEO Ladder:  It’s simple: update regularly, rank higher.
  • Capture User Interest: New content keeps things interesting and your users coming back for more.
  • Respond to the Market Beat: Markets shift, so refresh your content to match the current vibe.
  • Smooth Out the User Experience:  Regular layout tweaks help users find exactly what they need.
  • Lock Down Security: Protect your site and your users from web villains with backend updates.
  • Revamp Your Style: Out with the old, in with the new. Keep your site looking sharp and professional.
  • Evolve Your Brand Story: Your website should reflect your business growth with every update.

Keep your site fresh, keep it secure, and keep your audience engaged.

Remember, your website is the digital front door to your business – you have to keep it welcoming and current.

Does all this sound a little bit overwhelming? No Worries!  You don’t have to do it all yourself.

Grab your WP Edits & Upgrades package and let us do it all for you – so you can focus on what you do best.

WP Edits
& Upgrades

Keep Your Layouts & Content Up To Date
$ 599 One-time Payment

  • Add Pages To Your Site
  • Change Page Layouts
  • Add Images
  • Add New Content
  • Add New Functionality
  • Change Your Theme
  • Add/Delete/Upgrade Widgets, Plugins, Forms
  • Save 33% Over Regular Hourly Rates
  • Jump To The Front Of The Work Queue

WordPress Tuneup

If you don’t have a regular site maintenance plan, you should do this at least once a year.

WP Tuneup

Upgrade Your Performance & Security
$ 299 One-time Payment

  • Update WordPress Core to Latest Version
  • Update WP Theme to Latest Version
  • Update Plugins to Latest Versions
  • Resolve Plugin Conflicts
  • Clean Up Spam Comments
  • Run Performance Diagnostic Test
  • Run Malware Scan
  • Create Database Backup
  • Create Full Site Backup

Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Your WordPress Site's Health

  • The Siege of Attacks: Imagine a barrage of 90,000 attacks per minute raining down on WordPress sites globally. Feels like a digital apocalypse, doesn’t it? That’s the world we’re living in, and it’s why you need to protect your site.
  • Plugin Perils: Plugins are great, until they’re not. A whopping 92% of WordPress vulnerabilities come from these handy add-ons. It’s like having a team of moles secretly tunneling under your defenses—time to shore up with regular scans and updates.
  • The Malware Monster: The most common beast in the hacking wilds is malware, sneaking in to steal data and wreak havoc. With 26% of security holes left wide open as of mid-2023, it’s not if, but when the barbarians (hackers) will break through.​
  • The Cost of Complacency: Getting hacked is more than a hassle—it can be a financial black hole. Imagine shelling out an average of $700 to clean up a hacked site. Prevention is a whole lot better investment than repair.

Does all this sound a little bit overwhelming? No Worries!  You don’t have to do it all yourself.

Grab your WP Tuneup package and let us do it all for you – so you can focus on what you do best.

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